About Tech(B)log

Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers.

–Isac Asimov

Hi there, I am Dr. Shrishail Gajbhar. Thanks for visiting my Tech(B)log, a technical log of my learning explorations. I am a researcher and an aspiring data scientist.

I have started this blog as a personal logbook to retrospect what I have learned.

About me

Dr. Shrishail Sharad Gajbhar
Ph.D in Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Email: shrishailgajbhar5@gmail.com

[View my resume] [LinkedIn]

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Research Interests

Work Experience


Journal Paper(s):

  1. Design of complex adaptive multiresolution directional filter bank and application to pansharpening
    Gajbhar, Shrishail S., Joshi, Manjunath V.
    Signal, Image and Video Processing (SIViP), vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 259–266, 2017, Springer London. [Impact Factor: 1.79 as of 2019]
    [Paper] [Bibtex]

Book Chapter(s)

  1. Image Denoising using Tight-Frame Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform
    Gajbhar, Shrishail S., Joshi, Manjunath V.
    In: Tanveer M., Pachori R. (eds) Machine Intelligence and Signal Analysis. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 748., pp. 645-656, 2019, Springer, Singapore.
    [Paper] [Bibtex]

  2. Design of Biorthogonal Wavelet Filters of DTCWT Using Factorization of Halfband Polynomials
    Gajbhar, Shrishail S., Joshi, Manjunath V.
    In: Rameshan R., Arora C., Dutta Roy S. (eds) Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing, and Graphics. NCVPRIPG 2017. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 841. pp. 150-162, 2017, Springer, Singapore.
    [Paper] [Bibtex]

Note: These are the conference papers published as part of the Springer book series.

Conference Papers

  1. Image Denoising Using Redundant Finer Directional Wavelet Transform
    Gajbhar, Shrishail S., Joshi, Manjunath V.
    The fourth National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG 2013), Jodhpur, India, 19–21 December, 2013. (Best Paper Award)
    [Paper] [Bibtex]

  2. Design of Extrafine Complex Directional Wavelet Transform and Application to Image Denoising
    Gajbhar, Shrishail S., Joshi, Manjunath V.
    16th International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP-2014), Jakarta, Indonesia, pp. 1-6, 22-24 Sept, 2014.
    [Paper] [Bibtex]

  3. Novel designs for nonsubsampled multiresolution directional filter banks and an extra finer directional wavelet transform
    Gajbhar, Shrishail S., Joshi, Manjunath V.
    2nd IEEE China Summit and International Conference on Signal and Information Processing (ChinaSIP’14), Xi’an, China, pp. 339–343, 9–13 July, 2014.
    [Paper] [Bibtex]

  4. Acoustical analysis of musical pillar of great stage of Vitthala temple at Hampi, India
    Hemant A Patil, Shrishail S Gajbhar
    International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), IISC, Bangalore, India, 2012.
    [Paper] [Bibtex]

Visit my Github profile to have a look on some of the projects that I’ve worked on.

Feel free to contact me on LinkedIn or send an email on shrishailgajbhar5@gmail.com, if you want to discuss opportunities or collaboration.

Thanks for reading!

A picture may be worth a thousand words, a formula is worth a thousand pictures.

— Edsger Dijkstra